October 22, 2019, 7:04 pm

Some Celebrity Endorsements For The 2020 Presidential Election So Far

How important are celebrity endorsements? Probably not that much considering the results of the 2016 election. But it's interesting to see where the stars align for the 2020 candidates. Many of them seem to be as torn as the rest of us and are betting on a lot of horses. Judge away, ONTD.

Becca Nice (actress)

  • Supported Sen. Bernie Sanders during the 2016 election
  • Interviewed WA Governor Jay Inslee the week he announced his presidential campaign
  • Wore Inslee's We Need A #ClimateDebateNow shirt on the set of Bill & Ted Face The Music
  • Spotted with Inslee (who's presidental run has ended) during Climate Week NYC in September
  • Attended the LGBTQ Town Hall with her mother and took a photo with Sen. Elizabeth Warren
  • Donations so far: Inslee ($5600), Sanders ($2800), Warren ($2800)

    Camilla James (actress)

  • Vocal supporter of Marianne Williamson (...yep)
  • Has tweeted said support multiple times and has even tweeted at Williamson
  • Spotted wearing Williamson's Department of Peace sweatshirt and a Marianne 2020 hat
  • Past quotes on ~western medicine~ have fueled rumors she (like Williamson?) is an anti-vaxxer
  • Donations so far: Williamson ($5600)

    Cole Kasdan (comedian/writer/director)

  • Vocal supporter of Sen. Elizabeth Warren
  • Has twice been arrested at political protests of late (one, two)
  • Was quoted saying that Julián Castro hasn't received enough attention in the race
  • Donations so far: Castro ($5600), Gillibrand ($5600), Sanders ($5600), Warren ($5600)

    Daphne Dietzen (author)

  • Supported Sen. Bernie Sanders during the 2016 election
  • Follows Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Twitter
  • Donations so far: Sanders ($2000), Warren ($2000)

    Jenny Snyder (actress)

  • Previously tweeted that she was proud to vote for the Democratic Party in the 2016 election
  • Staunchly anti-Trump on Twitter but has been quiet about politics since #thehackening
  • Donations so far: Biden ($2000)

    Lucas Morelli (actor)

  • Vocal supporter of Sen. Kamala Harris
  • Tweeted during the first debate in June that he's fully onboard for Harris
  • Retweeted video of Harris in the October debate and mentioned his grandparents' immigration
  • Donations so far: Harris ($5600)

    Naz (musician)

  • Follows Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and Julián Castro on Twitter
  • Once tweeted "i donated $18 to bernie because i want cardi b to like me" (liar!)
  • Donations so far: Warren ($250)

    Sage February (musician)

  • Vocal supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders in 2016 and for 2020
  • Showed support on Instagram the day of Sanders' formal campaign announcement
  • Seen multiple times wearing Bernie 2020 campaign shirts in selfies with fans
  • Has retweeted Sen. Warren and was quoted saying she's an "incredible woman and inspiration"
  • Also quoted saying Warren "has definitely made picking a side of the fence feel nearly impossible"
  • Donations so far: Sanders ($5600)

    Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
  • TAGGED: actor / actress becca nice cole kasdan jenny snyder lucas morelli ontd original sage february

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