March 1, 2020, 00:00 pm

Becca Nice Opens Up About An Emotionally Abusive Relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed blandit sed lacus vel dapibus. Suspendisse faucibus scelerisque dapibus. Morbi a vestibulum enim. Sed consequat ex vitae ligula interdum elementum. Mauris et lorem orci. Cras varius blandit diam ac porttitor. Maecenas molestie imperdiet mauris non ultricies. Curabitur consequat risus eu dolor malesuada, a pharetra mi hendrerit. Aenean placerat nisi non tincidunt cursus. Donec quis turpis vitae ex volutpat semper.

When talking about a previous relationship (likely her five year relationship with comedian Cole Kasdan)

- Curabitur vitae aliquet risus, sit amet blandit lorem. Etiam condimentum tortor euismod efficitur dapibus. Nunc sit amet gravida ipsum, sit amet vulputate quam. Sed sit amet purus eleifend, viverra augue a, dapibus orci. Duis nunc nisl, maximus eu dignissim a, venenatis at elit. Nam placerat tempus quam vel maximus. Nulla facilisi.

- Proin ornare nisl efficitur, pharetra tortor ut, euismod arcu. Donec ullamcorper metus ut accumsan condimentum. Cras id finibus tortor. Mauris eu tortor vel arcu mattis pulvinar eu maximus velit. Praesent eget massa magna. Duis sed pulvinar mi. Fusce justo ante, facilisis ac laoreet varius, tristique ut massa. Pellentesque ac feugiat est, id elementum tortor. Ut interdum venenatis elementum. Cras convallis maximus diam, in cursus ligula semper ultricies.


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Month 00th, 0000

i know her and cole were together but for FIVE years?!


Month 00th, 0000

don't get me started!!!! briar drive's second shelved album def has some bitter and sad breakup songs about cole on it! you can find them on youtube. the fact that the line "it takes time to learn someone" from the "hothouse" video was reused for "i know" has me convinced that one and some of the other new songs are about him too.


Month 00th, 0000

which songs from the album?


Month 00th, 0000

hothouse, boy (this one is a true doozy), heart, little notes, 53rd floor, 5 damn days. ofc this is all speculation.


Month 00th, 0000

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Month 00th, 0000

she's the reason he's got a scar on his forehead


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